On September 15th, 2016, Garry took part in a Social Robotics AI Conference, hosted by Oxford University in the United Kingdom. The topic of his keynote address was the ultimate AI challenge; how to keep humans and our unique decision-making capabilities – our intuition, moral judgment and creativity – firmly in the loop, while still reaping the benefits of intelligent machines.
Humans started dreaming of intelligent machines long before the computer age and their starting point has always been chess; from the Mechanical Turk of the 18th century to Alan Turing’s chess program and today’s Deep Blue. It has been Garry’s blessing and, he says, his curse, to play a central role in that quest, playing against each generation’s strongest computer champions, contributing to their development and devising new ways for humans and machines to achieve more through partnership than they could ever achieve alone.
He bids us to embrace rather than fear AI’s potential. Human labor has progressively been replaced by technology and we shouldn’t panic if that now extends to cognitive as well as physical work. Let’s focus, he says, on what intelligent machines can enable us to do and how the creativity of this generation can be empowered to use technology creatively in ways previously unimagined.
The first Social Robotics & AI conference united the scientific community, business leaders and builders of human capital and investigated the role of Robotics and AI in our commercial future.
To learn more about the conference and its speakers, please follow the link.