Welcome to Garry on Lockdown, a new video series I’m making with experts from @avast_antivirus. And with you! We’re discussing crisis security, privacy, and much more.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63)
EPISODE 1. June 4, 2020.
Since the lockdown began, Avast Security Ambassador Garry Kasparov has been observing the world from his home in New York, noting the seismic shift in our work culture, our tech practices, and our day-to-day living. As the subjects of home cybersecurity risks and greater reliance on AI entered daily conversations, Garry saw the need for a forum where these topics could be discussed, aired out, and approached from a grounded, sensible angle. With nothing but time on his hands and a strong pull to connect with the community in his heart, “Garry on Lockdown” was born, a video series that addresses pressing technical questions at this unique moment in history.
Garry kicks off the series by packing his first episode with timely, important topics. The 30-minute video is divided into 3 sections – Garry’s thoughts, an interview with a special guest, and responses to viewers’ questions.
In the first section, Garry tackles the controversial topic of coronavirus tracking, which is best summed up by his simple statement, “The good news is that we can track anyone. The bad news is that we can track anyone.” He explores the question of where we should draw the line between privacy infringement and data for the greater good. He also discusses the surge of cyberattacks against telecommuters, the benefits of the Global Hack, and the right way to plan during this lockdown.
In the second section, Garry welcomes Avast CTO Michael Pechoucek for an eye-opening conversation that covers the security risks of working from home, the concept of universal basic income (UBI), the societal benefits of AI, the controversy of tracking, and more.
Garry answers viewers’ questions in the third section, responding to queries about authoritarianism, identity theft, digital hygiene, and – last but not least – a killer chess move.
Since it began, Avast Security Ambassador Garry Kasparov has been observing the world in lockdown from his home in New York. Noting the seismic shifts in our work cultures, tech practices, and day-to-day living, Garry soon saw the need for a forum where these topics could be discussed from a grounded, sensible angle. With nothing but time on his hands and a strong drive to connect with the community, “Garry on Lockdown” was born, a video series that addresses the pressing technical questions of this unique moment in history.
In the series’ second episode, Garry tackles the timely topic of misinformation. How do we stay safe and informed when the art of misleading the public and spreading lies has been so perfected? How do we know which sources to trust and which to avoid? Garry addresses these questions and more, providing his quick, handy tips for good digital hygiene.
A specialist on information warfare and propaganda, author and lecturer Molly McKew joins Garry to explain the difference between misinformation and disinformation. She and Garry delve into the proliferation of conspiracy theories, the role social media plays in that effort, and what the average person can do to retain truth and clarity through all the confusion.
Garry ends the episode by answering viewers’ questions and offering his guidance on how we can all survive this trying time with our priorities and our sanity intact.
It’s the FREE SPEECH episode!
UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh joins Garry to explain free speech in America at this unprecedented moment in history
Recently relocating from his Manhattan home to be with his family along the beautiful beaches of Split, Croatia, Garry Kasparov, Avast security ambassador and a leading industry voice on AI, continues his digital series on the issues influencing our lives both online and off.
In the third episode of “Garry on Lockdown,” Garry dives into the hottest topic of the moment – free speech! He explores whether or not there is a difference between First Amendment rights online versus First Amendment rights in the real world. And is it perfectly legal for businesses to make unsubstantiated medical claims about products that may or may not stop COVID-19? Can social media users post anything they want about the coronavirus, politics, and racism? Is Twitter infringing on free speech rights by adding disclaimers to President Trump’s tweets?
Garry provides some of these answers himself, and for the others he brings in special guest UCLA law professor (and former Supreme Court clerk) Eugene Volokh, creator of The Volokh Conspiracy blog. Together, Garry and the professor discuss the state of American free speech during this global pandemic, as well as what the major issues affecting it are. Click below for this grounded and informative conversation!
Do you have a question for Garry, or is there a topic you’d like a future episode to address? We’d love to hear from you! Please submit your question or comment to us on Twitter using #askGarry.
In our new episode, Avast Head of AI Rajarshi Gupta joins Garry to talk about AI and the upcoming CyberSec&AI Connected conference
From his beachside home in gorgeous Croatia, Chess Grandmaster and Avast Security Ambassador Garry Kasparov brings us “Garry on Lockdown,” a digital series that delves into the tech that can make our lives easier both during and after the pandemic. If you haven’t seen the first three episodes, you can catch up below.
In his 4th episode, Garry previews his keynote speech topic for the upcoming CyberSec&AI Connected virtual event this October. The main theme of this year’s event is “AI for privacy and security,” which Garry will address in addition to laying out the relationship between AI and cybersecurity. He will be joined at the event by Tor Project creator Roger Dingledine.
In the first part of today’s episode, Garry sets the stage for his keynote speech by laying out some fundamental benefits of AI, such as speed. AI can react much faster than the human brain can. Used strategically, AI can help humanity in a number of areas, from greater cyber protection to the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.
In the second part of the episode, Garry is joined by Avast Head of AI Rajarshi Gupta, and the two dive further into the capabilities of AI, tackling deeper questions such as “can AI protect users from social engineering?” They also talk about the recent Twitter hack and its resonating implications, as well as the great security opportunities and challenges presented by the current work-from-home culture.