The operation of Nordic Business Forum Oy is based on the following values:
Delivering Value
It is very important to us to keep in mind why we do what we do every day. That is why we pursue to deliver value in everything we do. With every blog post or email we write, or an event or a meeting we hold, we aspire to identify what is the value we’re giving to our clients and other stakeholders.
Entrepreneurial mindset
Our mission is to encourage entrepreneurial mindset among organizations and people. We believe that entrepreneurship keeps the societies going and entrepreneurial mindset keeps the companies going. People with entrepreneurial mindset are life-long learners who have eagerness for personal development.
Fair deals
Our goal is to offer unique training experiences at reasonable prices.
Creating enriching interaction
We support open collaboration and positive relationships and pursue to create a healthy and enriching environment for networking in our events.
Cross-generational thinking
According to cross-generational thinking we didn’t inherit this world from our parents, we merely lease it from our children. This also applies to our way of doing responsible business.