“Estonia, Tallinn. On October 19th Garry conducted a simul in Tallinn. The goal of the simul was to support young Estonian chess players and the European Youth Championship that will take place in Estonia in the middle of November.
Garry is no stranger to Estonia, where he is a close friend of the president and many local business leaders. The simul attracted young players, local politicians and members of the press. It was only natural that the questions of Ukraine, Crimea and Russia were raised after the simul.
Commenting on the recent statements made by Khodorskovsky and Navalny on Crimea, Kasparov noted:
“The statements made by Navalny and Khodorkovksy, in my opinion, are of a very negative nature, since they create a perverted image of Russia abroad. One must admit that the annexation of Crimea is very popular and will most likely remain popular in Russia for some time. However, one could also say that anschluss of Austria was very popular at the time. This only gives a dictator extra bonus points.”
The simul helped the Estonian Chess Union raise 16,000 Euro for the prize fund for the upcoming European Youth Championship.
“The championship that will take place in November is a very impressive event that will bring around 500 kids from different parts of Europe. There will be almost 100 participants from Estonia, which is a great number. That is why it is taking place in Estonia, to allow such a high number of kids to partake,” said the president of the Estonian Chess Union Andrej Korobejnik.
According to Kasparov, the Estonian chess school is once again gaining strength.